Thursday, March 15, 2012

Remember me?

I realize that I've been terrible about updating the blog lately, I'm ashamed really.  With mediocre blogging, comes great responsibility?  I think I read that somewhere...

I'm without a ground breaking announcement at this point unfortunately.  I've been working diligently since my last update, keeping in mind my next weigh in is just over a week away.  The anticipation is certainly palpable and only continues to build the closer I get to the check in.  I know my strength has increased, as has my cardio -- finished the 1.5 miler in 10:26 recently -- though it's hard to gauge the changes in my body because I see myself every day.  Guess I'll know more on the 24th. 

Approaching the half way point in the challenge I'm pleasantly surprised as how easy it has been to adopt the tweaks in my diet.  One of the best things about this challenge has been the push for us to cook more at home.  I really enjoy cooking and we've had some really delicious meals that I wouldn't hesitate to buy in a restaurant.  Simple, yet amazing recipes loaded with fresh veggies and proteins...everything a growing young lad needs!  With me working to put on lean mass I spend a lot of time eating, not the worst thing in the world either.  :)

My goal for the upcoming weigh in is to break the 10 minute mark on my run.  I'm confident I can get it done but it is going to be tough.  Stay tuned for more...


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